Flies & Ants Repellent Spray

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BANG BANG! Keep pesky flies and ants at bay with this powerful repellent spray.

  • Fast-acting formula repels flies and ants on contact
  • Long-lasting protection keeps pests away for hours
  • Pleasant scent leaves your home smelling fresh
Bang Bang
Country of Origin:
Made in India
Keep pesky ants and flies at bay with BANG BANG, the powerful repellent spray that delivers instant results. BANG BANG provides long-lasting protection without harsh chemicals.


BANG BANG: Say Buzz Off to Flying & Crawling Pests!

Tired of pesky flies buzzing around your food and annoying ants invading your kitchen? BANG BANG’s super-effective repellent spray is here to send them packing! Forget the swatting and sticky traps – this powerful formula delivers a one-two punch to flies and ants, sending them scurrying for the hills (or, more accurately, away from your home).

Here’s why BANG BANG is the pest-repelling champion:

  • Double Threat: Repels both flies and ants with long-lasting effectiveness.
  • Fast-Acting Power: See those intruders disappear in a flash!
  • Pleasant Scent: Unlike some harsh-smelling repellents, BANG BANG leaves a fresh, clean fragrance that’s gentle on your nose.
  • Safe for Use Around Kids & Pets: Formulated with safe ingredients, so you can use it with peace of mind.
  • Convenient Spray Bottle: Easy to target those pesky spots where pests congregate.

BANG BANG isn’t just for kitchens: Use it in living rooms, bedrooms, patios, and anywhere else you want to create a pest-free zone. Whether you’re hosting a picnic, enjoying a meal on the deck, or simply relaxing at home, BANG BANG gives you the freedom to enjoy your space without unwelcome guests.

So, don’t let flies and ants crash your party! Grab a bottle of BANG BANG today and reclaim your pest-free paradise!

Bonus Tip: For extra-long-lasting protection, apply BANG BANG around entry points like windows and doors to deter pests before they even enter.

Ready to say goodbye to buzzing and crawling annoyances? Get BANG BANG today!

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Country of Origin

Made in India


Keep pesky ants and flies at bay with BANG BANG, the powerful repellent spray that delivers instant results. BANG BANG provides long-lasting protection without harsh chemicals.


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